My First Blog
本来在想大一就写博客是不是过于早了些 毕竟现在水平有限 都不敢贴出来让大佬们笑话
不过来日方长 等有内容的时候 我定然会厚着脸皮到处蹭友链的ヾ(≧▽≦*)o.
另外 现在到了瓶颈期 0基础直接学二进制难免会遇到基础不牢的问题 相信写博客可以让我静下心来思考 避免浮躁 有助于清晰思路 踏实学习。
我电脑设置的仅英文标点看起来是有点难受 我干脆用空格算了 BTW 我想试试做双语博客.
I was wondering if it was too early to write a blog as a freshman, after all, my current level is too low, which I dare not post it to make you masters laugh.
However,as an old Chinese saying goes:,”Sailing with the wind, breaking the waves, my ship will someday reach the deep blue sea. “
There is no denying that I’ll brazenly po my friends’ links everywhereヾ(≧▽≦*)o
Besides,I believe writing can help me overcome my bottleneck and lay a solid foundation in binary learning. It would also allow me to reflect and stay grounded rather than become restless.